2016年实验室成果目录国土资源部地层与古生物重点实验室论文目录 (2016) 2016年12月 2016年度,国土资源部地层与古生物重点实验室发表学术论文23篇,其中SCI(EI)论文14篇,专著1部。 Freshwater fossil pearls from the Nihewan Basin, early Early Pleistocene………….Li Suping, Yao Peiyi, Li Jinfeng, Ferguson David Kay, Min Longrui, Chi Zhenqing, Wang Yong, Yao Jianxin, Sha Jin-Geng Comparative study of the leaf architecture and cuticles of Nelumbo changchangensis from the Eocene of Hainan Island, China and the two extant species of Nelumbo (Nelumbonaceae)……...…Li Ya, Awasthi Nilamber, Nosova Natalya, Yao Jianxin Ecology and phylogenetic affinity of the early Cambrian tubular microfossil Megathrix longus…………..Shang Xiaodong, Liu Pengju, Yang Ben, Chen Shouming, Wang Chuchu A Late Cretaceous diversification of Asian oviraptorid dinosaurs: evidence from a new species preserved in an unusual posture….................Lü Junchang, Chen Rongjun, Brusatte Stephen L., Zhu Yangxiao, Shen Caizhi A new pterodactyloid pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of western part of Liaoning Province, northeastern Chinaorogen, Eastern China……………Lü Junchang, Liu Cunyu, Pan Lijun, Shen Caizhi New Material of the Pterosaur Gladocephaloideus Lü et al., 2012 from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, China, with Comments on Its Systematic Position……………………………Lü Junchang, Kundrát Martin, Shen Caizhi Growth architecture and microsporangiate strobilus of Sublepidodendron grabaui (Lycopsida) from the Late Devonian of South China.…………….Meng Meicen, Liu Le, Wang DeMing, Yao JianXin Vegetative characters, growth habit and microsporangiate strobilus of lycopsid Minostrobus chaohuensis……………Meng Meicen, Wang DeMing, Yao JianXin Hydrozoan-like Ediacaran fossils from South China…………..Tang Feng, Zhong Ling, Jin Xingsheng, Guo Donghui, Yin Chongyu A new species of compsognathid from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China.…………………...…..Yuanchao Huanchao, Wang Xuri, Huang Jiandong Transitional Ediacaran–Cambrian small skeletal fossil assemblages from South China and Kazakhstan: Implications for chronostratigraphy and metazoan evolution.…………..…Yang Ben, Steiner Michael, Zhu Maoyan, Li Guoxiang, Liu Jianni, Liu Pengju Status of Stratigraphy Research in China…………………..Yao Jianxin,Bo Jingfang,Hou Hongfei, Wang Zejiu, Ma Xiulan, Liu Fengshan, Hu Guangxiao, Ji Zhansheng, Wu Guichun, Wu Zhenjie, Li Suping, Guo Caiqing, LI Ya Comparative study of Late Devonian (Famennian) brachiopod assemblages, sea level changes, and geo-events in northwestern and southern China………….Zong Pu, Ma Xueping, Xue Jinzhuang, Jin Xiaochi 湖南汝城盆地原定中侏罗世地层发现早白垩世孢粉组合…………….…….陈辉明 河北围场早中新世藓类化石的植物地理学意义…………………….……….郭彩清 腾飞之龙(专著)…………………….…………………….…………………季强等 西藏保吉地区晚侏罗世珊瑚动物群的发现及其意义………...…….孟亚洲,纪占胜,廖卫华,姚建新,武桂春,孙倩,武振杰 泸沽湖地区晚全新世气候和环境演变…….……李素萍,李金锋,武振杰,姚建新 鄂尔多斯盆地中-晚三叠世陆相地层与建阶………李亚,姚建新,王思恩,庞其清 华南埃迪卡拉纪(震旦纪)生物地层学研究进展……….…刘鹏举,尹崇玉,唐烽 长羽毛恐龙及翼龙研究新发现………………………..………………………吕君昌 中国没有牙齿的翼龙化石…………………...…..吕君昌,滕芳芳,孙德玉,沈才智,李国清,高霞,柳汉丰 四翼恐龙还是恐龙的性双形现象………….……王旭日,季燕南,黑须球子,季强 |